Thursday, September 4, 2008


So, as it would turn out it's only Erin's Prolactin that's being affected by the tumor at the moment, as such she'll be starting a pill twice a week and in a month or so getting another blood test or two done to see what her levels are at, basically checking to see if the pill she'll be taking is helping. I'm sure in a year or two there'll be another MRI and undoubtedly between now and then she'll have multiple blood tests done to continue to monitor the progress with the pill. They say that with this kind usually the tumor disappears within the first year or two of taking the pill, so hopefully this should nip it in the bud. =)


Sharon said...

thanks for the update you guys! So glad that it's looking good! YAY! Love you both!

AliceAnn said...

I am so glad that you are being realistic about this. Certain things we can do nothing about. Like you can't just click on an undo and make the problem go away. You have to accept it and deal with it. At least mature people deal with things that way.

Ruth Sarah said...

Yeah! That's such wonderful news!