Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'd be hung if I was overheard publicly saying this in most states.

So I've been thinking

"Let me tell ya'll what it's like, bein male, middle class and white. It's a b**** if you don't believe, tune in to my new cd." "No you don't know what it's like, to be kicked, when you're down, to feel like you've been pushed around, to be on the verge of breaking down, and no understands me, well you don't know what it's like, welcome to my life."

Some excerpts from a song that came out, oh, probably ten years ago by this point. I have been looking at scholarships online recently. One that is being offered, actually, several are offering scholarships requiring a video submission. One imparticularly wants the students to focus on a controversial topic that applies to them at their particular school. I was thinking about it...And I think I have one that I'd like to do (if I had the time, or the ability to).

I think I would get fried if it ever got on the news. It might even get thrown out before it even gets to the people who are important enough to make a decision about the award based on the video. My thought was this:

In an effort to equalize the world we've become imbalanced in many aspects. For example.

- Minorities now have more say than majorities, because we're so afraid they won't be listened to that we give them more say than their numbers account for.

- Those of Ethnic backgrounds OTHER than caucasian are treated differently for fear of them being offended by not getting extra attention due to their ethnic background.

- Paying for offenses made to great great great great grandchildren of those who were mistreated. I'm sorry, make a correction, but there's no reason to pay for it for the rest of their lives. If a proper correction was made in the first place than theoretically from that generation on when the correction was made the overall standard of living should be better, if not, is it anothers fault that they didn't do what they could have with what they were given the second time around?

- We have BET, Black Entertainment Television. If I started "WET" it would either be taken off the air for being racist (White Entertainment Television) or it would probably be looked up next to porn in all the yahoo searches, which would give the wrong publicity and therefore can the programming entirely as well as emberass the hosting station.

If I was on television discussing with someone what it's like coming from a middle class perhaps working class family, being caucasian, and male, and even try to mention about how life is hard and how being male, middle or lower-class and white prevents me from the benefits that I would have were I female, upper-class, or of a different ethnic background... Chances are it would stay in the news for a week, about an hour positively and for the next 6 days and 23 hours news anchors around the world would crucify my plight on the 6:00 news and any chance they got to online.

It doesn't matter that I make less than $20,000 a year, and that I have made less than that for the past 8 years consecutively. It doesn't matter that my family went without a vehicle for four years in an area with no public transportation, no nearby grocery stores, and no roads conducive to auto and cycling traffic. They wouldn't care that I've been taking student loans trying to get an education and have low grades due to being over-stressed from working full-time and going to school full-time. None of those things would matter.

Because I'm not a minority.

Greenday has a song, it kinda goes along the lines of what I'm saying, well, I'm not sure because it's been a while since I've listened to it. The title is this:

I want to be a minority.

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