Wednesday, May 6, 2009

There has been doubt as of recent

I thought I would relinquish the doubt...

Does God get angry?

Is he the type of person with whom you may shudder and fear?

Does he get upset?

think on this and how often you may hear this reading the new testament...

"With whom I the Lord am well pleased"

What does that say about the people he's not "well pleased" with?

Well, by it self not much, but if you're LDS or have an LDS bible on hand turn to the topical guide and look up "please"

In it you'll find listings upon listings of "please" and times when the Lord was pleased with people and maybe 25% of them are times when he Isn't well pleased. Leave it to modern revelation to remove any doubt from what is meant by that.

D&C (Doctrine & Covenants) 63:11 reads:
"Yea, signs come by faith, unto mighty works, for without faith no man pleaseth God; and with whom God is angry he is not well pleased; wherefore, unto such he showeth no signs, only in wrath unto their condemnation."

"with whom God is ANGRY he is NOT WELL PLEASED..."

Does that mean he is angry with anyone he is not well pleased with? Not necessarily perhaps, but it does mean he does get angry.

Enough to the point that like Laman and Lemuel experienced he will allow a person to have visions and manifestations to their condemnation. What happens when a person has visions and manifestations of to that degree and they still turn away? outter darkness anyone?

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