Sunday, February 22, 2009

I finally got my first site up and running. Well, it's at least crawling, I only got the first page done, 4 left, then there's the 5 pages to do on I'm getting there, slowly but surely. I think I'll do a profile on one of the pages on the .com, the .info I want to be mostly informative, unbiased (difficult for me as anyone who knows me remotely well could tell you) etc.

It's frustrating though, when you get the prompting that you need to do something, you begin work on it and things don't seem to be pulling together (as though they should have the second you began working on it). No, I'm not referencing the website, though were it something so minimal as that I would be fine. Any way, I'm still looking for a photography job, hoping not to apply to the navy though they have over 300 openings for photographers across the country, and it is very tempting as 4 or 6 years experience with them and I could work with any hiring news company in the country. No to mention the up to $20,000 bonus for signing up...even half of that would almost eliminate our debt right now. Oh well, still searching.

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