Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's been a while.  I've been pushing a lot of information and details in to my PC Photo facebook page, and I've been in recent days starting to push more and more information, specifically about the science of photography to my PC Photo blogspot page...  So why am I writing here?  Because I need a journal of thoughts, as far as thoughts that I feel comfortable sharing with the public this is as good a means as any other.

So 3 years in the Navy, well, a little more than that because I only have 11 months until my end of obligated active duty service...  My current plans?  I'm trying to find a job in the civilian sector, something closer to where I grew up near where all of my family is, and something that will pay the bills and provide non-government health care for my family.  TriWest isn't all bad, they take care of the family alright but the medical coverage for the service members and the quality of treatment they receive lacks the same personal attention family members are given.  That is something I AM sick of.

Enough for now, time to go to work.

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