Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Advice for Navy Recruits pre-bootcamp

Get to the front of the line when you get off the bus. Getting there last and being on P-hold because your division isnt full sucks. Big time.

When they tell you to take your debit card, money and ID out of your wallet and put it in your sock - KEEP the wallet. its ok. especially if your voided check (for pay) is in it. Just put the wallet in the sock.

Make sure your shoes fit. Dont just deal with it if they dont fit right. You'll regret it.

Try to get a leadership role. Theres a lot, even just a section leader - And excel at it. It helps stand out in a good way.

BE QUIET! talking about anything ill get you IT
Actually... Ballard said it best. Do what your told and dont talk and you'll do fine. He's right.

Dont go to the Dr unless you have to. you miss a lot each time and too many times you could get set back. But dont not go if you're really sick. Go. just use it wisely.

Run 1.5mils w/o stopping NO - before you get to bc. DONT WALK. Actually get used to running 20 mins w/o stopping too. trust me.

Learn to march now. Seriously.

Get used to drinking at least 8 liters of water a day. Now. The more the better.

The food is surprisingly good. Its easy to over eat. Once your out of P-days dont let yourself overeat. No one wants to see it later.

Showers/toilet are community. get used to it.

Be Positive.

Dont take things too personally. Even if you're yelled at for something you didnt do. One team, one fight.
SLEEP. ok fine... sneak writing a quick 30min letter then SLEEP. Sleep Sleep SLEEP. dont stay up all night chatting with the guys.
Practice shaving in 2mins or less
Practice standing absolutely still now... for at least an hour
Dont lock your knees.
Stop talking ith your hands NOW
I know the training guide is big and boring but for the love of everything you value STUDY it.

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