Monday, March 2, 2009

navy update

Erin and I went in today, this was her first time actually meeting Seth (the recruiter I was mainly working with), and it was a really good experience.

I have to blame my mom here for a minute. She told us how important it was for us to both get our eagle scout as well as an education. Well, because I have an associates degree I qualify for E-3, funny thing is that being an Eagle Scout gives me the same ranking. Either way I'm going to be making 42k a year entering RTC (just consider it "basic training" because it's the navy's version of it). I can finish RTC as an E-4, which as you may suspect a higher pay scale as well as being able to "boss" people around, be bossed as well of course.

I signed up for my MEPs, it's when they put me through medical testing etc up in salt lake and see where my aptitudes lie and how healthy I am (or am not). I'm doing a lot of pushups and sit ups right The friday following they'll come to our place and give us an in depth of what we're getting into. Seth and Nick will be coming, they're the two recruiters I've been working with.

I get to pick when I go into RTC, I think I mentioned before that I would be going in on April 27th, that way not only am I here for someone's wedding, I have time afterwards to edit the images from it. lol.

I get to pick on tuesday{next week} (based on the results of my MEPs) what career I'm going into based on what's available. It's kind of exciting, kind of scary. I'm hoping they have an opening in journalism and photography but planning that they won't.

After RTC I will go to my training school for my career I've chosen (the one I'm choosing next tuesday). If the training required for my chosen career will take more than 90 days then Erin will be moved out to live with me where I'm at (navy pays for it) and then we move from there to my base (which I also choose on tuesday next week, and the base is dependent on what career I have chosen and what bases they have open). Where we are 25/26 they'll allow us to go international, but we don't want to...So I'll be staying national, don't worry about that. I'll know more next week and be able to give another update for how I test in the MEPs and what career I've chosen and all that jazz.

Love you all!

I'm gonna go eat Chili! I put some together and it's been simmering for a little while now and smells Delicious! ...might be partly that I'm getting more exercise these days and cutting back on junk's a good thing.


AliceAnn said...

I think RTC stands for really tough crap.

Sharon said...

I went with Jacob when he chose his MOS and duty station. We prayed the night before that we would know where we were supposed to be. And when the guy mentioned Combat Eng. in Ft. Riley we both knew immediately that Ft. Riley was where we were supposed to be. I pray that you will have the same experience. Just pray before you go, and the Lord will guide you.

AliceAnn said...

Inquiring minds like to know:
ordinance-1 a: an authoritative decree or direction : order b: a law set forth by a governmental authority ; specifically : a municipal regulation
2: something ordained or decreed by fate or a deity
3: a prescribed usage, practice, or ceremony

ordnance-1 a: military supplies including weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and maintenance tools and equipment b: a service of the army charged with the procuring, distributing, and safekeeping of ordnance
2: cannon , artillery