Saturday, March 21, 2009

Master of Shrubberies, or large dead objects needing to be felled...

I was asked to help with something last night... It was something to be done today. It left me with scratches up and down my arms, and large piles in several lawns. It used to produce pine cones and pine needles. It hasn't for many moons... Many moons more than I've been married to my wife... Needless to say, it has been on the list of "trees to remove" for some time now, and today it's day came. Today being saturday though, it's late enough this will be posted Very late saturday/early sunday. Whatever. It happened this morning/afternoon.

Last night I started by trying to get a gas-powered chain saw to start for me. It had a larger bite, longer arm, as well as a more powerful motor than the two electric chain saws I had potentially at my disposal. So, I considered it. It wouldn't start for me, I tried and tried but it never even gave as much as a putter for me. So, I hoped that one of the two electric ones would work for me the next day, and or that there was one somewhere that I knew nothing of.

Morning came and I started up the tree, breaking off the little branches that were on the main branches, well, as many as I dared reach for from the main of the tree. Anyway, I climbed within 10 feet of the top before I considered the first part of my task done.

Next I began to try to use a chainsaw on it... Well, funny thing is I first put it to a branch and it made it half an inch into it before the blade stopped turning all together. So, we tried the next one and I began cutting the branches from the main of the tree 2-3 feet out from it and began climbing up the tree cutting the rest off like that. Yes. I was climbing up a tree, 3 stories high (where I was at was 3 stories high, the tree went up more than 10 feet above where I was at) with a chainsaw (electrical, power cord tied onto it so I wouldn't have to make any more trips up and down than were absolutely necessary). Then we tied a rope to the top, from a ladder we cut the first segment down where the last chunk of the trunk was much much easier.

Such was the day, four hours and many tired muscles later the work was done. Well, mostly, aside from clean up, and cutting down the other branches that stemmed from the trunk. Well, there's also what needs to be burned from it still too.

Anyone wanna come over and have a hotdog roast?


AliceAnn said...

Wow! Reminds me of the Siberian Elm dad took down by the chicken coop turned apartment in Provo where we rented next door to Leda's.

Dad said no hot dog roast with pine! Oh well!

Janele Williams said...

Wow! I'll bet you're too tired and worn out to even read this comment.

Ruth Sarah said...

But the pine would give the hotdogs a... unique... flavour!!! Yum!