Saturday, December 27, 2008

I'm sick. Both literally and figuratively.

My temp. is hovering between the mid 99's and the high 100's. Most of the time people wouldn't worry too much about that, but my temp. in normal circumstances is 97.6 as opposed to the normal 98.6 that most of the humans on earth call normal. I'm not sure how many people in the world have a higher or lower than "normal" 'normal-temperature' but I'm one of them. If you were wondering. (probably weren't, lol)

Figuratively. I'm sick of people claiming that the more science proves the less there is to believe in diety. Albert Einstein said (paraphrased) "the more I learn about science, the more I'm convinced it was not created out of chance but put here for us to explore and understand." That's the basic idea of what he said, though i'm not entirely sure precisely what was said. If you're interested where I got the quote, it's from a talk, which is also on tape, titled "17 points of the true church". The quote is given by the author, as he heard it from Albert Einstein himself as a disortation to those scientifically minded. With this as a basis, I see that it's those who want to challenge beliefs in diety (for whatever reason) that use the knowledge we gain from science who use it as such, while those who live by faith understand that when inconsistencies show up between what we learn through science and what we learn through faith one of two aspects should be questioned. Is our scientific knowledge correct, eg if everything was placed here by a form of diety then obviously our knowledge should be aligning with our faith, if the faith and knowledge from faith is true then perhaps we need to research the science aspect more, as it's likely either incorrect, or we're interpretting the data related to the science incorrectly. The other aspect is that if we are the spawn of diety then as a fawn grows up to be a deer, a tadpole becomes a frog, so likewise a man becomes a God through the precepts upon which that God has set. As such, to become a God man likely must learn the true process of creation, which with all the doubts a mortal imperfect man has may be impossible during a mortal probation, and likely the knowledge comes after death through a perfect learning from a perfect knowledge of a perfect being.

If you're curious. I was watching a documentary by Ben Stein, it's called "Expelled, no intelligence allowed" It covers the issues that are currently being faced by scientists in the world today, particularly based around "Intelligent Design" or the concept that earth was created by God and not a Big Bang theory or other theories that currently exist. I think everyone should watch is, as it's important to know what's going on in the scientific communities as they ultimately decide what is or isn't taught in school in relation to creation and existence of man and the galaxy we live in.


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