Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bootcamp updates

The info that is going to get posted are letters that I have gotten from him while at bootcamp. So this is not him posting this but his wife....
November 15
There are a lot of young guys in my division so we are doing IT's which stands for Intensive Training which we are doing about every single day. And that is because the guys in my group are not listening and doing what they are told to do. There is a lot of memorization that we have to do and they keep us busy all day long. Only at night time that there is time to think about home or loved ones. After being at bootcamp for about two weeks i was finally able to attend church. And they gave us a peanut butter shot which made me weak for about 4-5 days. And I was choosen to be the Yeoman for my group.
November 22
I checked the schedule and I graduate January 8th 2010. And on that weekend I have liberty. And then I will be shipped out to a-school a few days after that. We were given a somewhat compliment with our marching and drills which is the first compliment we have gotten ever. I passed my first PFA. 36 people in my group didn't pass it and 16 of them didn't even take it because of dehydration and other reasons. On thanksgiving we get holiday routine which means they can shine shoes or write letters home until 1pm.
November 26
With being a Yeomen for my group I get training on how to do it and I don't feel like they have given me sufficient training for what I am doing. and the little red book that they gave me isn't doing much good either. We did our first personal inspections, dynamic amterial inpsection and our first zone cart inpection and i passed all three the first time. the other guys who didn't pass are retaking it and then if they don't pass it then then they will get set back 2 weeks. I was told by my chief today to eat banana's and yogurt before going running because they give you the energy you need.
November 29
Because of the holidays during my bootcamp that is why we graduate January 8th and not December 30th.
We have lost a lot of people out of our group about 10 people have either been set back or sent home. We have the highest attrition rate out of the 11 groups that got here the same day we did.
December 3/6
There isn't much room to keep stuff here so I will be sending the letters home that I got from you and my family so that we can keep them. If you write letters at night time when you aren't supposed to you can get set back a few weeks. So I don't do it because I don't want that to happen. Being put over seas is easier when you don't have kids and that they give you extra money while over seas since the expenses there a tad bit more there then in the USA. This coming week we have a lot of things coming and a lot of people refer to this week as Hell week. We have the Marlin Spike, we've got a PFA this week followed by our MCA Inspection followed by our Weapson Turn over Inpsection, we have our second test this coming week as well as bunk inspection while we get our Small Arms training. We are also doing live-fire traing/qualification this week.
December 10
I failed my weapons training today so i will need to retake that in a couple of days. I fell asleep during the training session. The flu and pink are going around. so far i have been able tol hold my own. And I passed my 2nd PFA test.
December 17
I finally got my pay stub. The RDC's were supposed to send me a down there a few weeks ago. but I picked them up today. I also got our divisions orders today for most everyone and I looked at mine and A-school is just across the street from where i am at right now. And my A-school is 81 days long. So I should graduate mid april. We did our individual photos today as well as t-shirts for our division.
December 20
So there is TSP plan which is a thrift saving plan which is kind of like a saving account for us. And so i am able to choose how much we put in. So as of right now just 1%.

So during his time gone I have gotten a total of 4 phone calls. The first one was when he first got there and it was about 30 second long. And the next phone call was about 8 minutes long and that is because the guys in his division kept goofing off or messing up so minutes got taken away. And then he got another phone call that was about 40 minutes long which was really nice. And then this last one was on Christmas Eve and that was almost an hour long phone call. but poor him two kids from his group decided to try to get on the computers so that means that most likely they had to do IT that day or this coming week when they are out of holiday mode again. So that is all I have on updates right now. I get to see him January 8th which I can't wait for and neither can he. Hopefully once he can get a computer and stuff he will be able to update this and do a better job at it since he will know more of what he is talking about.
