if you were curious... There's been some discussion as to what scores translate to... I've gotten a bit confused describing my AFQT score as Tom thinks it's one thing other people thinks it's something else, so here I'll put in my line scores for the whole bit and see if we can't clear some things up. :)
The AFQT score is a percentile score, 99 is the highest possible percent one can receive on the ASVAB and I got a 94, hence all jobs open to new enlistments are potentially available to me assuming I get security clearance...
That breaks my standard scores down to:
General Science: 59
Arithmetic Reasoning:62
Word Kmowledge:64
Paragraph Comprehension:61
Mathematic Knowledge:62
Electronics Information:65
Auto & Shop information:61
Mechanical Comprehension:67
Assembly of Objects:64
VE (summary of word knowledge and paragraph comprehension):64
Coding Speed:60
Those are the general catagories of the ASVAB, assuming you get 60 on each of those you get pretty much anything open to you, such is my situation.
Army breaks it down into these catagories, and Army as well as others afterwards I don't know what the abbreviations stand for, though you can probably find it on www.about.com
Air Force has the following
Navy/Coast Guard has the following:
NUC:255 (nuclear, notice I tested highest in this)
Marines have the following:
I understand for certain positions there are more tests involved, such is the case with intelligence positions and I think nuclear (though I'm not sure with nuclear, or other branches of the military). What I do know is I haven't seen a "qt" though I have seen "gt"s.
For those who are interested in the actual numbers here they are, from what I understand the Air Force basis their scoring out of 99 possible. Positions in the Navy are based off of combining scores from different line items, to go Nuc you need something like a 320 when combining your AFQT and Nuc, combining those with mine I have a 349. I'm not sure what the line items are out of with army, marines, navy, and coast guard as they're all above 100 in my case and some are well over 200. My father-in-law is calling an old friend he served with, he was a 2-star stationed here at Hill AFB and he's gonna see if he can't weasel some things around for me, if he can more power to him, and if he can't that's ok because I wasn't too thrilled about the Air Force though a lot of people say they're the ones who get pampered. (they go up in multi million dollar planes, they have to be pampered cause if they fall asleep at the wheel aint no one wanna pay the insurance premium hikes!)...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Honey thinks she might be pregnant...
Her period didn't ever come... She's cramping when she shouldn't be... Nausea... Spotting...
Yeah... Dunno. Last time we thought this she was lactating and we found she had a tumor...
Honestly though, if she is....
The kids nickname is gonna be "oops!" lol
jk I wouldn't say that
Her period didn't ever come... She's cramping when she shouldn't be... Nausea... Spotting...
Yeah... Dunno. Last time we thought this she was lactating and we found she had a tumor...
Honestly though, if she is....
The kids nickname is gonna be "oops!" lol
jk I wouldn't say that
Don't ask me how my day went
Just don't.
Yes, I made tape. I wasn't terribly worried about it. It's funny though, they got my height last time at 67 inches, at the recruiters it's at 67 1/2 inches, and today they figured me to be 66 1/2 inches. Somewhere and some how I'm shrinking I suppose. They figured my neck to be 17 1/2, funny, it's been measuring 18 and 18 1/2 for a month now. Go figure. My belly measured 40 inches, which is what they've been measuring me at there at the recruiters office. Long and short of all this information? I came in at 24%, which for now is close enough.
In previous posts I've said how I did on the ASVAB, my AFQT (general overall score, highest possible is 99) was a 94. Not bad. I attribute this to an affinity for useless information combined with 4 years of schooling under my belt. The issue of getting such a high score is that it's cost me in student loans, the government doesn't like it's employees having debt upon entering. The general cut off for security clearance is around 25k. I have right around 20k in student loans. Add what we owe on our car and that puts me over. Add what we owe on credit cards, and well, good night. So, clearance isn't an option for me, and won't likely be for at least two years. All the speeding tickets when I was younger aren't helping, neither was having my large speeding ticket go to collections right before I paid it off (it was retrieved from collections but that doesn't matter, high debt with a history of something going to collections is a bad combination with the military).
So, that cuts out 75% of the jobs I'm interested in, Intel, Nuclear, and much of the like. Are there positions open for other things that don't require clearance? Yes, the soonest opening is for a corpsman. Honestly I'm not sure if I'm even remotely interested in that though. A corpsman is just this side of a Dr., and can be assigned to ships, medical ships, batallions, and marine groups, etc. The issue? I'm not so sure I like blood, or needles. Sure there's the possibility of doing really well in my "A" school and making it as a radiologist type, but I'm still not sure.
What to do
what to do
?what to do!
Friday is when new postings for May (first of the month) might be opened up, if not then the following week. They're going to call me if there's another opening that I might be interested that opens up. The debt thing is the same across the board with all the other services so it doesn't really matter who I try with, I won't be able to get clearance with any of them for a while yet. So, for now, and until further notice I hurry up and wait.
Yes, I made tape. I wasn't terribly worried about it. It's funny though, they got my height last time at 67 inches, at the recruiters it's at 67 1/2 inches, and today they figured me to be 66 1/2 inches. Somewhere and some how I'm shrinking I suppose. They figured my neck to be 17 1/2, funny, it's been measuring 18 and 18 1/2 for a month now. Go figure. My belly measured 40 inches, which is what they've been measuring me at there at the recruiters office. Long and short of all this information? I came in at 24%, which for now is close enough.
In previous posts I've said how I did on the ASVAB, my AFQT (general overall score, highest possible is 99) was a 94. Not bad. I attribute this to an affinity for useless information combined with 4 years of schooling under my belt. The issue of getting such a high score is that it's cost me in student loans, the government doesn't like it's employees having debt upon entering. The general cut off for security clearance is around 25k. I have right around 20k in student loans. Add what we owe on our car and that puts me over. Add what we owe on credit cards, and well, good night. So, clearance isn't an option for me, and won't likely be for at least two years. All the speeding tickets when I was younger aren't helping, neither was having my large speeding ticket go to collections right before I paid it off (it was retrieved from collections but that doesn't matter, high debt with a history of something going to collections is a bad combination with the military).
So, that cuts out 75% of the jobs I'm interested in, Intel, Nuclear, and much of the like. Are there positions open for other things that don't require clearance? Yes, the soonest opening is for a corpsman. Honestly I'm not sure if I'm even remotely interested in that though. A corpsman is just this side of a Dr., and can be assigned to ships, medical ships, batallions, and marine groups, etc. The issue? I'm not so sure I like blood, or needles. Sure there's the possibility of doing really well in my "A" school and making it as a radiologist type, but I'm still not sure.
What to do
what to do
?what to do!
Friday is when new postings for May (first of the month) might be opened up, if not then the following week. They're going to call me if there's another opening that I might be interested that opens up. The debt thing is the same across the board with all the other services so it doesn't really matter who I try with, I won't be able to get clearance with any of them for a while yet. So, for now, and until further notice I hurry up and wait.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wowzers! I'm blogging again, I had to pick my wife up off the floor as she saw me blogging and passed out! ;) jk
It's been forever since I've updated this... So, what's happened recently?
My next older brother got married, I borrowed a friends camera and shot over 2000 images of their wedding for them. It was a lot of fun. Maybe it was because I was shooting a camera that really maximized my abilities (obviously it wasn't something I can afford, as what I Can afford doesn't match what I can do very well most times...), maybe it was because the people were listening to me when I was giving directions (other weddings I've shot people ignored me, thereby adding to the frustrations as shots don't happen unless people listen and do, as anyone who was there could tell you, if everyone listens it can all be over Very quickly, it was so nice), maybe it was because I've had more experience doing other things and where everyone listened so well (possibly because I'm older, bolder, and have a much better idea having more experience in photography and having been married myself now too), no matter how you look at it I really enjoyed it. The first time I've ever enjoyed it like that. I was kind of dreading the wedding part of shooting it before hand (engagements are always fun though it's the weddings I've dreaded in times past) but when it came to it, well, it was just fun. The day was long, I passed out long before midnight, which for me is nothing shy of a miracle lately.
My next older sister is officially legally d'd from her ex. It was an exciting day friday when the mass text was sent out. There were people sighing sighs of relief across the country. =)
I lost 16 pounds. Not all of it was this month, but in the last 2 I've lost 16 pounds and about 3 inches from my waist. Which is a good thing too as I'm going into the Navy. Speaking of which. Tomorrow, sunday, I'm going up to the recruiters so I can be taken up to MEPS and get taped. I'd already gone up previously but couldn't be accepted as I was over weight, my body fat percent was up to 28 and it needs to be at 25 or below, but by the time I'm done in RTC it needs to be down to 22 or lower. For those who don't know... MEPS- Military Entrance Processing Station. RTC - Recruit Training Center. So, monday I'll be going from the hotel over to MEPS where they'll tape me, and then I'll be able to pick my career. I've been considering a Nuclear field, but I'm pretty sure if there's a Media opening I'll be taking it. When I go into RTC will be dependent on what field I take and when they have an opening in that field. So, I'm not sure when that will be, but I'm sure it'll be easier for me to put another blog monday night that has all the info people are wanting to know.
My oldest sister just moved into an apartment. Well, her whole family is moving up from a ways away and they're looking for a house up here but they had to move out of their old house because it already sold and the people buying it will be moving in fairly shortly, so, today we helped them with that. Last week we helped them move a bunch of stuff into a storage unit. Funny thing is that I thought the truck last week was big. I was wrong. The one today was HUGE! Well, bigger than last weeks and all in all it was a lot of fun, her hubby has a pretty cool brother that I had some fun conversations with, and for the time they're in the place I think they've got a pretty decent deal. They were really nice in how they did it, they got gift cards and gave them to everyone who helped them move. Today I picked an Itunes card, sadly when I got the info inputed into my computer at home it wasn't 10 minutes later that I'd used the card all up, but I got a bunch of songs I've been wanting to get! :) THANK YOU! Oh, and the cool thing, the music I downloaded was then immediately available in my ZUNE software, and when I connected my Zune it was instantly uploaded it to it, unlike previous versions where you'd have to burn a CD then rip it in order to get it onto a non-"i" product. Mac-in-crap is finally realizing they get more business when they work with other products. I wonder when they'll figure out how to configure their permissions issues so that macs and pc's can work together on a network properly, as it is mac's see pc's just fine and adjusting "permissions" on a pc is so simple and flawless that it's easy to let macs in, but macs don't let pc's read them at all in my experience, most of which has occured at work over the last 9 months.
What else has gone on? My Oldest brother had another baby, well, his wife did. Oddly it was on my next older brothers wedding day/night that she was induced.
My middle older brother is moving, they'd just come up for the wedding and it was nice to see them again, for the first time I remember I saw him in his class A uniform, I even got some pics of him. It was good to see them, like so many of my siblings they live "far" away and I don't get to see them as often as I'd like, I suppose two have lived fairly close all along, but three have lived further away and it's been hard. Oddly enough I'm saying this right before joining the navy and who knows where I'll be when I finish RTC and "A" School.
So, what's going on in my life? Oh, nothing much. lol
My old best friend got married just about 6 months ago... His wife is due in september.
My next older brother got married, I borrowed a friends camera and shot over 2000 images of their wedding for them. It was a lot of fun. Maybe it was because I was shooting a camera that really maximized my abilities (obviously it wasn't something I can afford, as what I Can afford doesn't match what I can do very well most times...), maybe it was because the people were listening to me when I was giving directions (other weddings I've shot people ignored me, thereby adding to the frustrations as shots don't happen unless people listen and do, as anyone who was there could tell you, if everyone listens it can all be over Very quickly, it was so nice), maybe it was because I've had more experience doing other things and where everyone listened so well (possibly because I'm older, bolder, and have a much better idea having more experience in photography and having been married myself now too), no matter how you look at it I really enjoyed it. The first time I've ever enjoyed it like that. I was kind of dreading the wedding part of shooting it before hand (engagements are always fun though it's the weddings I've dreaded in times past) but when it came to it, well, it was just fun. The day was long, I passed out long before midnight, which for me is nothing shy of a miracle lately.
My next older sister is officially legally d'd from her ex. It was an exciting day friday when the mass text was sent out. There were people sighing sighs of relief across the country. =)
I lost 16 pounds. Not all of it was this month, but in the last 2 I've lost 16 pounds and about 3 inches from my waist. Which is a good thing too as I'm going into the Navy. Speaking of which. Tomorrow, sunday, I'm going up to the recruiters so I can be taken up to MEPS and get taped. I'd already gone up previously but couldn't be accepted as I was over weight, my body fat percent was up to 28 and it needs to be at 25 or below, but by the time I'm done in RTC it needs to be down to 22 or lower. For those who don't know... MEPS- Military Entrance Processing Station. RTC - Recruit Training Center. So, monday I'll be going from the hotel over to MEPS where they'll tape me, and then I'll be able to pick my career. I've been considering a Nuclear field, but I'm pretty sure if there's a Media opening I'll be taking it. When I go into RTC will be dependent on what field I take and when they have an opening in that field. So, I'm not sure when that will be, but I'm sure it'll be easier for me to put another blog monday night that has all the info people are wanting to know.
My oldest sister just moved into an apartment. Well, her whole family is moving up from a ways away and they're looking for a house up here but they had to move out of their old house because it already sold and the people buying it will be moving in fairly shortly, so, today we helped them with that. Last week we helped them move a bunch of stuff into a storage unit. Funny thing is that I thought the truck last week was big. I was wrong. The one today was HUGE! Well, bigger than last weeks and all in all it was a lot of fun, her hubby has a pretty cool brother that I had some fun conversations with, and for the time they're in the place I think they've got a pretty decent deal. They were really nice in how they did it, they got gift cards and gave them to everyone who helped them move. Today I picked an Itunes card, sadly when I got the info inputed into my computer at home it wasn't 10 minutes later that I'd used the card all up, but I got a bunch of songs I've been wanting to get! :) THANK YOU! Oh, and the cool thing, the music I downloaded was then immediately available in my ZUNE software, and when I connected my Zune it was instantly uploaded it to it, unlike previous versions where you'd have to burn a CD then rip it in order to get it onto a non-"i" product. Mac-in-crap is finally realizing they get more business when they work with other products. I wonder when they'll figure out how to configure their permissions issues so that macs and pc's can work together on a network properly, as it is mac's see pc's just fine and adjusting "permissions" on a pc is so simple and flawless that it's easy to let macs in, but macs don't let pc's read them at all in my experience, most of which has occured at work over the last 9 months.
What else has gone on? My Oldest brother had another baby, well, his wife did. Oddly it was on my next older brothers wedding day/night that she was induced.
My middle older brother is moving, they'd just come up for the wedding and it was nice to see them again, for the first time I remember I saw him in his class A uniform, I even got some pics of him. It was good to see them, like so many of my siblings they live "far" away and I don't get to see them as often as I'd like, I suppose two have lived fairly close all along, but three have lived further away and it's been hard. Oddly enough I'm saying this right before joining the navy and who knows where I'll be when I finish RTC and "A" School.
So, what's going on in my life? Oh, nothing much. lol
My old best friend got married just about 6 months ago... His wife is due in september.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Chocolate Chip Cookies
I remember
I remember a time when I made a double batch of cookies. They were my favorite recipe of chocolate chip cookies. Meaning it was the recipe from the bag of the brand of chocolate chips that I really liked. I was making them for my brother before he was leaving for Arkansas, he was going to be there for a couple years with minimal opportunities to contact us. This was when e-mail was just really starting, we were on dial up, I think I had an e-mail account with Juno at the time (an account I haven't used for years at this point)... Anyway, I knew he was going to be traveling with a lot of people, so I wanted them to go as far as possible, which meant I couldn't just make a few big ones (like I would have liked to have eaten myself....lol) but instead I made a TON of little ones, so many in fact I think it took one or two bread bags to hold them. Yes, he carried them on the airplane in bread bags. We also were able to see him off at the terminal at that time. (If you haven't flown in the last ten years you might not know that you can't get through security without working at the airport, on an airplane, or unless you have a ticket, some exceptions....but not many....apply).
With that in mind.
I'm making cookies. Chocolate chip cookies. And I'm making some that are really tiny. Now I call them diet cookies. One of these little cookies can satisfy a grown man on a diet for a day. They're kind of like Lembas bread for those with a sweet tooth.
Unfortunately I'm more like a Hobbit, so they're going to be taken in to work so that my diet doesn't get destroyed by 'eating one, then sneaking 20 more....' lol.
The funniest part, they're oatmeal chocolate chip, but I didn't have a full bag so half of them are oatmeal cookies while others are oatmeal chocolate chip cookies...
I remember a time when I made a double batch of cookies. They were my favorite recipe of chocolate chip cookies. Meaning it was the recipe from the bag of the brand of chocolate chips that I really liked. I was making them for my brother before he was leaving for Arkansas, he was going to be there for a couple years with minimal opportunities to contact us. This was when e-mail was just really starting, we were on dial up, I think I had an e-mail account with Juno at the time (an account I haven't used for years at this point)... Anyway, I knew he was going to be traveling with a lot of people, so I wanted them to go as far as possible, which meant I couldn't just make a few big ones (like I would have liked to have eaten myself....lol) but instead I made a TON of little ones, so many in fact I think it took one or two bread bags to hold them. Yes, he carried them on the airplane in bread bags. We also were able to see him off at the terminal at that time. (If you haven't flown in the last ten years you might not know that you can't get through security without working at the airport, on an airplane, or unless you have a ticket, some exceptions....but not many....apply).
With that in mind.
I'm making cookies. Chocolate chip cookies. And I'm making some that are really tiny. Now I call them diet cookies. One of these little cookies can satisfy a grown man on a diet for a day. They're kind of like Lembas bread for those with a sweet tooth.
Unfortunately I'm more like a Hobbit, so they're going to be taken in to work so that my diet doesn't get destroyed by 'eating one, then sneaking 20 more....' lol.
The funniest part, they're oatmeal chocolate chip, but I didn't have a full bag so half of them are oatmeal cookies while others are oatmeal chocolate chip cookies...
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